How Assembly made their first ever hire with Bolto

Engineering Hire
15 days
Initial call → Hire made
<2 days
Onboard time

"Bolto's white glove service is unbelievably fast. We had never hired anyone before, and in a couple days, we went from literally tossing around the idea of potentially hiring someone to having a shortlist of candidates ready to interview."

Francisco Delgado, CEO at Assembly

The Problem: Assembly needed to find affordable, high-quality engineering talent – but didn’t know where to start

Francisco Delgado is a co-founder of Assembly, a platform that enables companies to draft, plan, and schedule social media content. Since Francisco co-founded the company in January 2023, Assembly has grown to become the favorite social media scheduling platform of dozens of tech heavy hitters, including Perplexity, Mercury, and Clay.

However, as any founder knows, a growing customer base comes with a list of feature requests. Francisco knew in late 2024 it was time to find some engineering help.

That’s when he found Bolto.


During their kick off call, the Bolto team walked Francisco through compliance standards across Latin America, the benefits of making someone an employee vs. a contractor, and fees he may be on the hook for down the line depending on where he hired from.

"The Bolto team answered every question I had about hiring someone abroad and the intricacies involved – they made sure we did it right."

Bolto delivered a shortlist of engineers ready to interview within just three days of their call. 12 days after that, Francisco had completed interviews and found his hire. Next, the Bolto team wrote up a contract and onboarded the engineer to their in-house payroll system.


Since they made their hire in late December 2024, Francisco says Assembly has been able ship twice as fast. Their new hire has allowed them to prioritize work that would otherwise have been done in the second half of the year, such as approvals redesign, photo editing integration, and fixing tons of lingering bugs. All of this has given Francisco more time to focus on sales and marketing to close larger deals.

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